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Discovering ancestry and family roots

Liepaja Civil registry department archive has civil status act registers from the year 1915 that contain information from church books with registers of newborn and baptised, engaged, announced and married, as well as deceased persons.

Provision of archive information is a paid service.

Useful resources:

  • Important information about relatives can be found in old-time periodicals, most of which are available in digital format on periodika.lv.
  • Web-site lvva-raduraksti.lv contains the most significant genealogy research documents from archives of Latvian State History archive of the National archive of Latvia.
  • Data base obd-memorial.ru contains information on Red army soldiers that died or have been missing in action in World War 2 (1941-1945).
  • Data base lists.memo.ru contains information on victims of USSR terror in 1937.
  • Information on Latvians that emigrated to Canada can be found here: collectionscanada.gc.ca.
  • Data base of Estonian National archive eha.ee could be useful for those, whose families lived in Estonian border area.

Civil registry department contacts

Kristīne Šalme
E-mail: kristine.salme@liepaja.lv

Anžela Dirvēna
E-mail: anzela.dirvena@liepaja.lv